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Information: Global Logistics

Thursday, the 03rd of December 2020

Subject: COVID 19

Global Logistics

Dear Customers and Partners,

We have now reached the final calendar month of 2020 and COVID-19 remains with us, affecting every region across the world.

Coronavirus has had a significant and lasting impact on transportation globally throughout most of this year. This impact has led to a significant shortage of appropriate logistics solutions across many regions. In addition to this, JST is experiencing exceptional demand for product and in some cases this exceeds our capacity to supply.

Under these circumstances, JST is no longer able to guarantee that we can maintain requested or promised product lead-times.

Please be fully assured that our teams continue to take all possible steps to ensure that we avoid delivery issues and delays for our customers wherever possible. It will help significantly with our planning if you are able to provide your ongoing product forecast data covering a six-month period.

We hope for improvements in this situation very soon so that we are able to return to our normal levels of service and support.

We appreciate your patience and understanding during this challenging time.


Sales & Marketing Director

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